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Happy Mexican Skull Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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I moved to the countryside of Oklahoma and where 99% was white and cowboys. I think they had more of a cultural shock then me. They acted like I was an alien and was so intrigued by my hair, skin, and how I looked. I could tell they never left the countryside of Oklahoma since they didn't even know what an Asian was. They said I "talked" funny - keep in mind I'm from inner city so I had a "city" accent where they had thick country accent. I think there's definitely a cultural shock for some. I'm a minority and this is important because I'm from inner city where 75% of my school was black and Hispanics then Asians and 10% white. Buy it:  Happy Mexican Skull Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Couple Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Lmao my friends from out of state can't believe I've gone on casual day trips to canada before. They're like "you left the country..TO GO OUT TO DINNER??". I've been to peoples houses where the live on the bank of a river and the other side is Canada. It's a really weird complex for Americans cuz the country is so huge. She is a sweetheart but she was actually concerned that I'd been targeted. TBF the plane that ended up crashing in a field in PA did do a 180 almost directly above where I was. Buy it:  Couple Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I live around the rochester area also (about 45 min away) When 9/11 happened a bunch of my moms out of state friends were texting her in a panic asking if any of our properly was damaged from the crash and my moms like "uh, that's around 7 hours away from us, but I appreciate the concern lol". People forget how oddly large NYS is and how small NYC is compared to the rest. Oh yea man. That's Canada Steve. Everyone knows that guy. From Vancouver to St John's. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Zombie Hand Pumpkin Halloween Day Shirt

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Waldport! I used to go there every year in high school for the wrestling tournament. It’s the only thing I associate Waldport with other than being a place to stop for gas between Florence and Newport. Look at New York. When you say New York to anyone in the world, they'll immediately think of New York City. But by far the majority of New York is rural countryside. My niece and nephew live up near Rochester and we drove up from Pennsylvania once and we drove for hours without seeing anything more than some farms and very small towns. Buy it:  Zombie Hand Pumpkin Halloween Day Shirt

Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Shirt

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There's a culture difference between different regions, but the biggest culture difference in the U.S. is between cities, suburbs, and rural areas. I grew up in a small town in Oregon and live in New York City, but if I drive 20-30 miles up I-87 the areas I see look a hell of a lot more like where I grew up than they do the city. There are some big differences between rural areas in Oregon. Waldport vs Yamhill vs Joseph will show some similarties (only thing to do around there is drugs) but there are also some noticeable differences. Primarily due to climate. Buy it:  Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Shirt

The Girl Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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 I realize that Gainesville is very much a college town, but man coming from a big city it definitely feels like how I'd expect a smallish southern town to be portrayed in a movie. Sitting in a Waffle House on a Sunday and everyone is bonding over some sports ball game. Having to wade through hours of small talk to get anything done. Wandering even a little bit outside city limits and seeing billboards for abortions and guns everywhere. Seeing gators just pop up occasionally. Aside from the shady AF Volkswagen dealer and awful Mexican food down there it wasn't bad but it was very different. It's definitely a much more laid back vibe than I'm used to. Buy it:  The Girl Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Skeleton Play Guitar Happy Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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Yes. Fellow Floridian here. I grew up in south Florida, like 45 mins from the keys. 90% of the radio stations are in spanish, and were I lived and went to school it was like 20% white. I was used to being the minority, and learning spanish to survive. Then i went to school in Tallahassee and i felt like I was dropped into backwoods deep south. So many white people, little to no spanish music in clubs, and a lot of the people I went to school with thought the only 80% white people was diverse. Ha. That was a massive culture shock to me. In south florida I was the classic white boy. In north florida people thought I was Cuban or something because of the spanish influence I grew up with. Buy it:  Skeleton Play Guitar Happy Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Mexican Sugar Skull Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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I’m from Florida but like northern Florida near the capital. Something a lot of non Floridians don’t know is that the in Florida, the further you go north is the further you go south. Basically the northern part is the most “southern” part and central and southern Florida are more big city metro vibes. People from different regions of the US always seem to be very fascinated with our accents. I went to Vegas for a few days and was asked where I was from several times. I personally don’t have as strong of an accent as most people from my area because I went to speech classes growing up, but it made me aware that even though subtle, I have a uniquely Floridian southern accent. Buy it: Mexican Sugar Skull Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Flower Woman Day Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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The reasoning is because many people didn't think that "Mormons" were Christians or worship Jesus Christ. So the change in name is to make it more clear that they do, in fact, recognize Jesus as the head of their religion, and not a guy named Mormon. I live in Utah, but made a few business trips to Ohio. One of the things that surprised me was how there were so many christian radio stations in Ohio, compared to the few in Utah. I had never in my life even imagined the concept of a Christian radio or TV station until I came to the US. And I'm from the country of the Catholic Monarchs. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Flower Woman Day Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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They're fussy about the name. From what I understand the official name has always been "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", or something reasonably along those lines - but outsiders have tended to just call them 'Mormons'. For decades they were fine with abbreviating as "LDS" or just saying, "Latter Day Saints", but then sometime a couple decades ago they started embracing the "Mormon" term as a PR move. And now, just a year or two ago, the new prophet has been very against the term 'Mormon', saying that people should only refer to the church by its whole name, not even stuff like "LDS" is good enough. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Happy Mexian Holiday Dia De Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

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I moved from NJ to NV and someone was talking about Mormons but didn't say Mormon. I looked at my husband confused because I didn't know what they were talking about. They took the look to mean something other than confusion and went on a diatribe defending their religion and mocking people who were against it. I just looked at her when she was done and said I had no clue what she was talking about and had nothing against her religion, I had never heard that term before as there weren't many Mormons in my tiny home town. Some one had a huge chip on their shoulder. Buy it:  Happy Mexian Holiday Dia De Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

Couple Sugar Skeletons Day Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I basically did the Sound of Music spin every time I walked into the deserted CostCo. It was glorious. Plus it was all heathens out shopping so it was like a private shopping day for you and a select few like-minded individuals. As another east coaster who moved to Utah but grew up in New England, lived in California and South Carolina before moving to Utah. The south was a much larger culture shock for me from New England then Utah was from California. Buy it:  Couple Sugar Skeletons Day Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Party Skeletons Couple Dia De Muertos Day Dead In Mexican Shirt

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If you aren't a church member, then you basically get free reign of the state on sundays, no lines! And most everyone keeps to themselves, you wont be getting harrassed by missionaries and members like some people would assume. In SLC proper shopping on Sunday doesn't feel any different than anywhere else. But my wife had to pick up Sundays for work occasionally in Davis county. I'd drop her off then go do whatever shopping was needed. Buy it:  Party Skeletons Couple Dia De Muertos Day Dead In Mexican Shirt

Sugar Skull Purple Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Salt Lake Area? Most of Utahs population lives in one area of the state. Most of the state is wilderness lol. I guess to me, that is a funny statement because my County here is California has a higher population than the entire state and it doesn't even have a major city I was there only for 2 months and although the chance of anything remotely close to what I experienced happening to you is close to 0 and one of the most brutal times of my life, I’d 100% go again to explore and climb rather than to, well, spend two months in the wild with psychotic people. Also, yes, it’s damn beautiful. No, never spend two months in the woods with psychotic people. Please do not. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Purple Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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Tourist season is annoying, yes, mostly because our small towns get overcrowded, but DAMN do we miss yall this summer. Economy is in the shitter, and I think everyone would trade peace and quiet for shitloads of tourism revenue right now in a HEARTBEAT. I moved from the east coast to Utah for college and yes, the culture shock was huge. I grew up thinking I was pretty conservative, but as soon as I moved to Utah I realized I was very very liberal in comparison. Also, the parts of Utah I was in had so many chain stores and strip malls, just so much pavement instead of the green spaces I was used to. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Guitar In Mexican Shirt

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I've lived in Alaska since about 84. I used to think bananas were supposed to be dry and chalky, my wife and I honeymooned in Mexico. My taste buds will never be the same! That's where I learned bananas were sweet! Don't even get me started on lemons and lines! My gf grew up in Alaska and she constantly tells me about how everyone there hates that Into the Wild thing. Apparently people not from around there constantly die trying to get to that bus. I think she said they removed it recently for that reason. Then she always talks about the cruise ships and the tourists that irritate everyone in the towns they dock in. Buy it:  Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Guitar In Mexican Shirt

Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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At high noon, in July, there's often a line 7 customers deep for that stuff. Having eaten nothing but supermarket fruit for the 37 years I've been alive, I'm literally afraid to buy some, because I'm worried I'll never be able to eat any fruit but fresh fruit again. I guess I can see why Kramer was so obsessed with getting mangoes, plantains, and plums (with red on the inside) from Joe's fresh fruit store that he begged Jerry and George do it after he got banned from there. Never try to return used fruit, people! Buy it:  Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead In Mexican Shirt

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 But, damn the winters are hard, and California winters are much nicer. There was more diversity in my Alaska home than my rural California home, and I really miss that. The best Korean food I’ve ever had was in Alaska, and not even LA or SF had better- I guess I need to keep looking! But Alaska’s fruit is terrible, and I have fresh, lovely fruit in CA. Oh man I had fresh fruit for the first time when I visited Ohio at 22. I didn't even realize how bad our fruit is until then! Buy it:  Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead In Mexican Shirt

Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt

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I was born & raised in California, I lived in Alaska for 18 years, and have spent a total of two years abroad. Alaska is technically a part of the US, but it absolutely feels like a different country. It broke my heart to leave Alaska and moving back to my hometown was a culture shock that I’m still adjusting to. California summers are a rip off- dark by 9pm and it’s too hot. In AK I could get off work at 8pm and still go on a long hike with no lack of light and it was rarely too hot.  Buy it:  Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt

Feliz Dia De Muertos Cactus With Skull Day Dead Shirt

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This game really was a pleasant surprise from EA (though respawn has a great track record itself), but I really hope the next game is a continuation in every sense. Not just story wise, but I hope they don’t pull a Metroid and just let the player keep all the abilities you get over the course of the first game, and then continue to expand Cal’s skill set with even more moves. This game had one of my favorite Star Wars stories of the current Disney era, but even on master difficulty I never felt like I got a truley intense duel like something from Sekiro. Buy it:  Feliz Dia De Muertos Cactus With Skull Day Dead Shirt

Happy Mexican Sugar Skull Feliz Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Incredibly bad. He’d be getting force choked into the ceiling before he even made it to the panel control to lock the door. Vader aims seemingly for where his lightsaber is rather than any actual dueling technique. Glad I don’t play video game s He stands there cause he knows that just his breathing instills enough fear to lock someone down, and I'm pretty sure he locks the inquisitor in place with force grip. And in the cartoon star wars rebels Vaders presence is felt as a stinging cold, and not a fire of wrath and vengeance. Buy it:  Happy Mexican Sugar Skull Feliz Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Mexico Feliz Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Well then you never played the force unleashed 1 and 2 so much better than this game,this is absolute normie trash.the most safe balled game i have ever seen where you instantly know how it will end because of where it is put in the timeline,it was clear from the beginning that you will achieve nothing and everything was pointless so you just wasted your lifetime for a story wich never mattered And the Vader encounters in the force unleashed are better,and alone the beginning where you play him. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Mexico Feliz Dia De Muertos Shirt

Mexican Guitar Feliz Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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He was only like 42 when we see him in A New Hope and his reputation preceded him. He was a walking death threat. He still kicked a lot of ass in the original trilogy with very little effort. Hell, he took the full brunt of the Emperor's force lightning with no help (unlike Rey, who had lightsabers absorbing it), threw the Emperor to his "death," and that didn't kill him. It was only the frying of his life support and his willingness to die after he felt redeemed that he gave up the ghost. He could have lived if he wanted to will it through the force. That's hardly a helpless old man.  Buy it:  Mexican Guitar Feliz Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Sugar Skull Flowers Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Mueros Shirt

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One thing rouge 1 and fallen order did was make vader a fucking monster again. Like no one stood a god dam chance against him. For god sake an ex Jedi went to attack him and he just flings her away. You can’t fight him all you can do is run and hope to survive. Meanwhile you see him in the original trilogy and he’s practically a helpless old man. Every time he appears in other canon, though, all of a sudden he’s some sort of army-crushing badass. you see him in the original trilogy and he’s practically a helpless old man. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Flowers Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Mueros Shirt

Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt

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When Darth Vader appeared at the end, I feel like I finally got a taste of what a true Sith Lord was. For the first time my heart was racing, I was practically panicing. Never in any Star Wars game before have they conveyed Vader so damn well. I've never been so relieved to run away from what would normally be "The final bossfight". The way her eyes dart back and forth the second she realizes Vader is behind her made me really feel the terror that vader is capable of wielding by just being present in the room. Buy it:  Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt

Day Of The Dead Skull Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Shirt

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The sadness on her face, that turns to fear so quickly. Then acceptance for what’s about to happen to her. The actual encounter itself is brilliant. How he’s just such an unstoppable force of nature that you can only hope to distract or delay long enough to get away is brilliant. Is trills slightly clairvoyant; is that a force ability? Because right before she is struck down by Vader she says “avenge us”. Is the “us” her and cere; did she see her death and cere being thrown from the platform and assume she died? Or am I just reading too much into this dialogue? Buy it:  Day Of The Dead Skull Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Shirt

Dia De Muertos Happy In Mexican Skeletons Guitar Shirt

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My reaction to that part was like ok I think i can beat Darth Vader. I’m a jedi now. Then he fucking chokes you 1 hit and die. When I saw his raw power I was like YO HOLY SHIT because it’s one of the most powerful faces that I’ve seen from Vader Definitely this and the final scene in Rogue One are my favorite portrayals of Vader. They really show the hopelessness of standing against him and how he managed to take down so many Jedi. Buy it:  Dia De Muertos Happy In Mexican Skeletons Guitar Shirt

Skeleton Women Happy Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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One of my favorite parts of this game was that every time you faced a boss you got a health bar. So you knew “ok time to fight”, with Vader one didn’t show up. The game is telling you, “you can’t beat Vader, run!”. It’s also an entrance on par with Rouge One. Fallen Order was a very fun game for me. I loved this Vader encounter. The boss “fight" is you just trying to run away and survive. It puts Kal in his place because he isn't the super powerful Jedi warrior like characters in other games. Buy it:  Skeleton Women Happy Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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The one thing Disney did well with Star Wars was keep Vader terrifying. So terrifying that his legacy of fear of power is felt throughout the galaxy decades after his death. We’ve never even seen anyone other than Ashoka even a temp to go toe to toe with him in the Disney era I feel like it should be noted that the way vader acts is nowhere near as aggressive as he has been, meaning that this entire encounter was him toying with you Real glad I finished this game last week so the reveal wasn't spoiled. Totally agree, it was a great encounter! Buy it:  Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Happy Mexican Holiday Shirt

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I disagree with this characterization of Vader. In the original trilogy, he used the force sparingly and in the novelization his skills were rusty and not perfect because he was internally warring with his good and evil nature. His lightsaber technique was flawed and his strength came from anger which he couldn't always maintain. It doesn't make sense if he were so proficient and visibly using the Force everywhere that one of the admirals would doubt his ability. Buy it:  Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Happy Mexican Holiday Shirt

Sugar Skull Simple Day Dead Muertos Shirt

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For future reference, maybe don't put the spoiler in the title if you're going to spoiler tag the post. Titles don't get hidden and the spoiler tag is pointless. I know it's not a new game and there won't be many people who don't know about it, but the spoiler tag thing is a good thing to know for the future. This game was so good in every way. I just bought a Cal inspired lightsaber from sabertrio! I'm so hyped to get it, I've never had a high quality saber. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Simple Day Dead Muertos Shirt

Skull Man Day Of The Dead Shirt

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There were some good and bads to erasing the EU, but them getting a clean slate with Vader and how they have been portraying him has been absolutely amazing. It's better imo to lean into the curve that he is an unstoppable force rather than making him the biggest boss to fight and beat. Note that Darth Vadersaster killed his Master by shocking his breather apperatus, who's design was used to create Darth Vader's. Was a nice touch for those that got into the backstories. Buy it:  Skull Man Day Of The Dead Shirt

Habit Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Halloween Shirt

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Dude, Vader was the reason I pre-ordered Fallen Order. When I heard that he didn't have a health bar, that he waited for you to make the first move, when I learned he was Legends Vader, REAL Vader, I bought it then and there. And when I was going through that sequence, I was shitting myself so hard. All I could say during it was "Oh god oh fuck oh fuck oh god" interlaced with unintelligible panicked screaming  I believe that is violet. Purple had a darker saturation to it in this game. Buy it:  Habit Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Halloween Shirt

Saint Patrick's Skull Man Day Of Dead Muertos Shirt

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 But like, not even a wave. He only moves his wrist, no arm movement at all, it took the very minumin amount of effort for him to nullify the powers you've been gaining over the course of the game. I also always loved how Vader primarily uses one hand to fight with his lightsaber. Most force user lean towards 2 hands with some one handed moves sprinkled in there. Vader can send jedi flying with one hand on his saber, and when he uses 2 Cal looks like he's trying to stop a train. Buy it:  Saint Patrick's Skull Man Day Of Dead Muertos Shirt

Skeleton Day Dead Muertos Halloween Shirt

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I agree.. They have portraited Vader perfectly on this one... The terror, the momentum and the vzzz as he falls down.. You can feel the gravity. It's an unstoppable monster and a machine of pure evil. Can't imagine a single jedi surviving an encounter with him. Best Vader from all films and games combined hands down. I loved the inquisitor's face aswell. She looks like she was made for this role. Watching this scene for the first time made me afraid of Vader. As the first I saw him when I where younger. Buy it:  Skeleton Day Dead Muertos Halloween Shirt

Sugar Skull Red Halloween Day Of Dead Shirt

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Cere should have absolutely died here. Too many people escape Vader alive these days, and the fact that they teased her death and threw her into a bottomless pit only to have her magically come back is very poor imo. Really annoyed me at the end there. A hero's death completed her arc nicely at the end (should have been a bit more respectful than being quickly chucked off a cliff mind you), but nope SHES BACK! Thoroughly enjoyed the game though all in all I always saw vader as lame and clunky... This entire sequence blew my fucking mind, he is terrifying. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Red Halloween Day Of Dead Shirt

Gentlemen Skeleton Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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This game is so good and i can't wait for the next one. I really hope we get other single player star wars games too. Between this, the mandalorian and other soon to come media, star wars has a bright future. As great as it is, and I 100% understand why it was Vader, there will always be a part of me that wishes it was the Grand Inquisitor instead. Or at least if he'd been a secondary boss. Hell, even a cameo, just...something! Oh well, here's hoping he'll make an appearence in a sequel, should they decide to make one. Buy it:  Gentlemen Skeleton Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Sugar Skull Flower Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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I thought it was hilarious as shit when vader threw her over that edge, no preamble just chucked into lava thinking that this might be the last we saw of cere before after the chase. xD just disappointed in the writing of the game that all they worked for was for nothing seeing as how the list is destroyed and at best they are on vader's shit list... Isn't there a part when he is chasing you down the hall tearing everything to sheds with the force while he was walking too? That image really stuck with me. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Flower Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Sugar Skull Vintage Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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I am still not quite sure where exactly Vader came from in this scene. There isn't a doorway in that direction in the room, just the torture chair. This cutscene is awesome for showing how scary Vader is, but I will admit it disoriented me on my first playthrough because of that. I played with my 5yo daughter beside me, she's as mad as me for star wars. When the breathing hit we both went nuts. Easily my favourite moment in a star wars vg. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Vintage Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Man Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Sidious never saw Vader as a failure. Not in canon. That’s something they did in Legends at times inconsistently but not in canon. Palpatine was incredibly satisfied with Vader and was the only other force user he ever considered his peer. Also what makes him even more terrifying is that ever since mustafar, Sidious saw Vader as a failure. So his potential was so much greater. And then how powerful must Sidious be? Maybe I just see it differently, but I found it really cheap for the game to just throw Darth Vader in at the end when, in my opinion, the game was doing just fine without him. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Man Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Eyes Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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I wish any form of entertainment would quit having characters do a front attack from a stand still or attack from behind while screaming as loud as they can. Like every anime, there is always the easy kill from behind but the person has to charge in shouting, ruining everything. I think the only thing that could make this better is if they had Matt Sloan be the VA for Vader. I think out of all the VAs that have followed JEJ, he's the one that really nails his cadence the best. Wait it Vader has the helmet and the breathing wouldn’t he be able to breath underwater? Buy it:  Sugar Skull Eyes Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Monsters Skull Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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I hate how a YouTube thumbnail ruined this reveal for me. Maybe 50% through the story when I took a break and opened my YouTube app. First video recommended was his reveal, and it was like 24 hours into the games release. The tutorial level for force unleashed when you play as Vader just walking through looking everyone before they can get close to you. Then they switch you to starkiller and you just want all that power again. Buy it:  Monsters Skull Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Mushroom Grows In Skull Day Dead Muertos Shirt

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To me, this doesn't fundamentally change or add to his character in any meaningful way. I still think his greatest portrayal is Rogue One because it contributed to his character in more than one way. It made him truly frightening in a way we haven't seen before, capitalizing on his violence and coldness. It also amplified our understanding of Vader's motives and urgency in ANH. He knows those plans are on the ship with 100% certainty which makes the plot in the original film more frantic. Buy it:  Mushroom Grows In Skull Day Dead Muertos Shirt

Skull Heart Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Most of what he's doing here are retreads of iconic behavior and speech we've seen before. Killing a disgraced officer, easily thwarting protagonists with meager force powers, disarming and intimidating people, seeing dark side potential in a hero's hatred, etc. I'm not saying he should act out of character of course, but there's nothing remarkable or memorable compared to existing portrayals of Vader. It feels generic, like a sequence from a theme park or a horror B movie. The slow walking, the fact that Vader's mostly at a safe distance from the hero except a few fake outs, and right when it's too late and Vader's about to kill him, someone jumps in from off screen to save the protagonist. Buy it:  Skull Heart Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Death Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I loved this, and I love what they’re doing more often with Vader, contrary to most people I didn’t much like rogue one but that ending scene totally redeemed it for me, and then this entire game was amazing and then the fact that you still couldn’t fight Vader in the least. I loved this. Side note, have you seen the game theory about how powerful Darth Vader would have to be to hold back the water? It’s pretty cool. I love this moment, but his Rogue One scene is the best at showing what you describe. Buy it:  Death Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Jewel Day Dead Muertos Vintage Shirt

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I don't really like how you can see Vader do overhead swings. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought he was in so much pain and the suit was so physically limiting that swings from over the shoulder were near impossible for him to do? I don't remember him ever doing an overhead swing in the movies and he definitely looks more agile here. It's a very small detail but I thought everything else about the game was awesome and was definitely one of my favorite Vader moments. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Jewel Day Dead Muertos Vintage Shirt

Party Tequila Guitar Day Of The Dead In Mexican Holiday Shirt

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Starting at 7th level, you constantly emanate a menacing aura while you’re not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. Starting at 15th level, those who dare to strike you are psychically punished for their audacity. Whenever a creature hits you with an attack, that creature takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) if you’re not incapacitated. At 20th level, you gain the ability to harness extraordinary martial prowess. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of conquest, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute: Buy it:  Party Tequila Guitar Day Of The Dead In Mexican Holiday Shirt

Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Conquering Presence. You can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you force each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Skull Heart Love Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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I love this part of the game the most. It truly shows how powerful Vader is. He just tosses around Cere and Cal with ease and seems barely phased when the Dark Side is used on him. Captures the absolute fear and menacing sense Vader deserves. God this game was such a fucking trip. It was amazing. I had written it off completely until about three days before launch when I started hearing from good people that it was actually a good game. I’m so glad I played it because outside of the original trilogy as a child, nothing else has given me the Star Wars feeling save for this game. Buy it:  Skull Heart Love Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

The Man With Rose Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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Even they stand basically no chance. Obi knew it was a one way trip, Ahsoka never had an upper hand and faded fast during the fight, only surviving because of fuckin time travel, and Luke could only eventually when with a combo of Vader feeling bad about his actions, being conflicted and Luke lashing out with the dark side. I'm really glad I had finished this game before this post could rob me of its finest moments. Buy it:  The Man With Rose Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Skull Vintage Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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This part in the game broke me. This is the one time (that I remember) in all of Star Wars Canon that a master apologizes to their failed apprentice, for the apprentice to forgive them. Then Vader comes in and slices in two. I like Cal as a character. But I actually think I would have loved for any of the three characters (Cal, BD, or Cere) to sacrifice themselves to save Trilla. That makes for a more satisfying ending. Starkiller sacrificing himself at the end of TFU pissed me off, but now, being older, I understand that is the purpose of the Jedi. To lay down their life for the safety of others. I wanted more than anything for Trilla to escape! Buy it:  Skull Vintage Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Pink Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

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In Fallen Order, he just shows up as the silent, overpowered guy who kills the game's main antagonist for us, while protagonist Cal has no damn idea who he is and can't do anything to fight back; it's only Cere who manages to do something. Vader feels disconnected from the game and the whole scene feels unearned. Saw people on twitter outraged that Vader killed a PoC woman. And that SW hates woman. That there is no reason for Vader to shoehorned in the story. Buy it:  Pink Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

The Man Pumpkin Happy Halloween Day Shirt

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The only time this silent, overpowering version of Vader works is in The Empire Strikes Back, for me, but that's because he spends the rest of the movie making threats and disturbing jokes, and killing people. The audience is then put in Luke's shoes as this relentless giant cyborg chases him around dark corridors, and it works because we know there's a twisted, evil person in there; and at the same time, Luke manages to fight back a bit, which lets us see that there is indeed a fallible man behind the mask. Buy it:  The Man Pumpkin Happy Halloween Day Shirt